Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Learning to be the Light

Sunday I met this lady that lost everything in a ponzi scheme.  Driven by greed she has lost everything and now serves samples to passer byes at a local mall.  This morning as i listened to my christian radio the song Learning to be the light came on, this was the first time i heard it and was lifted by the words so close to home about being lost and finding salvatioin.  This lead to prayer for this lady and for me.  For me, I prayed “Dear God please let me never be driven by my defects, let me always remember by letting you guide my life I will never feel hopeless ever again.  It is by surrendering to you I am freed”.  As I said this prayer this morning I began to feel so much gratitude for my life for being saved from the things that destroyed me daily, that I always have hope.  I felt the his spirit lift my heart and this over whelming gratitude and tears of relief, that no matter what happens in my life I will never feel that sense of loss because once I have experience this kind of release from the bindings of defects/sins in my life I will always turn back to God for I will always know that my God never leaves and has taken a hopeless woman of no faith and turned me in to a person that wants to give all the light of God in their life.  Please all pray for this woman who lost everything that she may find faith.  Hope this link inspires you as it does me.

Gods Love to you, God Bless

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Do I try to bully God

God:  I don’t need you telling me how to do my job, or what I should or shouldn’t be doing for you, I need you to trust that I have a perfect plan for your life.  You say you have Faith so live like you do trust in me, I’m the only one who will not fail you, all my children are imperfect, don’t expect so much from them.

In my fear of not getting something I want, I tend to demand like a spoiled child, instead of praying for my own acceptance of Gods will in my life